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Case Studies

Amy Christmas, Learning and Development Officer, Plus Dane Group

Plus Dane have worked with AFTA Thought for around 5 years, during which time they have delivered drama workshops around diversity issues for around 800 employees. These have always been very positively received and been described as “thought-provoking”, “challenging” and “inspiring”.

More recently, AFTA Thought’s Chris Callander facilitated a session for Plus Dane’s employee Diversity Champions, the Something for Everyone group. This was to increase the knowledge of group members around the Equality Act (2010), thereby increasing confidence when dealing with questions or sensitive issues from colleagues. The session helped group members to understand that the Equality Act applies to us all, no matter what Protected Characteristics we possess, and that it exists to protect and promote the diversity that exists within our workplace and wider society.

The session invoked a passion in members to learn and understand more, and to apply this knowledge fairly, transparently and rationally within the workplace. It reinforced to the group the need for working positively with diversity for the benefit of colleagues, customers and partners who we work with.

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