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Our Clients & Credentials

We have crafted successful and powerful training sessions for the likes of the NHS, Premier League football clubs and County Councils. But we can also create sessions suited to small independents with considerably fewer members of staff

Find out more about who we’ve worked with and what they’ve had to say about our sessions.

Afta Thought’s worked extensively with both the public and private sector over the last 30 years. We’ve been involved with all sorts of training through drama, from safeguarding and dementia to conflict resolution, performance management and customer excellence.

We’ve worked with a range of clients across different sectors, including shipping (CMA-CGM), healthcare (BUPA), pharmaceutical and research (Unilever), 40 health and NHS trusts, culture (NML), housing and the public sector, where we’ve worked with 38 local authorities so far, and counting…

These are a few examples of our recent work; you can see our complete training list here, or can keep up to date with our latest news and events by taking a look at the blog.

I can only say a massive THANK YOU for what you did today, our staff have not stopped talking about the critical incident training you delivered.

I know our staff have dealt with similar situations on a daily basis, but this does bring it home a lot easier than integrating a two day course with streams of paperwork and booklets that no one ever reads.

Your guys are so talented, it really brought home how aware of the environment our EITC coaches need to be in their everyday roles, and how incidents can escalate if not dealt with from a very early stage. This training enables our staff to look for trigger points whilst safeguarding the youngsters and themselves.

I would like to see more football clubs use this method of incident and safeguarding training.

Your actors were really good at answering questions our Everton staff had, and acting out different scenarios. I thought it was fantastic how real you kept it all, and I can’t imagine how many youngsters and staff will benefit from the training you delivered today.

Once again THANK YOU.

Paul Nagle, Social Inclusion Manager, Everton in the Community

Firstly I would like to thank you and your team for the excellent presentation you delivered on our fostering conference. It was a powerful, emotional and thought-provoking session. It has been great to work with AFTA Thought from planning the scenarios to the presentation on the day, all of which was tailored to our needs. Communication throughout the whole process has been excellent… We had very positive feedback from our delegates some of which I have shared below:

“An exceptional day”

“The session with AFTA Thought was without doubt the best I have ever attended in my 10 years as a foster carer.”

“Acting was outstanding!!”

“AFTA Thought was a well-organised production and well put across, really thought it was real life.”

“The presentation for AFTA Thought was innovative, interesting and very thought-provoking; it will have a lasting impact on my practice.”

“I have never seen AFTA Thought before, would recommend anyone to see them, very well done, get them back!!”

“AFTA Thought were stunning!! a very good way of delivery training.”

“The AFTA Thought presentation was very interesting and gave a good insight in to experiences of children in care”

“AFTA Thought presentation was superb. Made me reflect on my practice and hopefully enable me to improve”.

“AFTA Thought presentation was very powerful and thought provoking”

“AFTA Thought – Awesome!!”

Kim Dennison – Fostering Development Officer – East Riding of Yorkshire Council

“AFTA Thought have delivered a number of My Future Today training events in conjunction with League Football Education and Dame Kelly Homes Trust.

These events were developed for football apprentices to promote personal development to become a well-rounded person and player. The apprentices found themselves emotionally connected to the training material which meant that strong messages and key training points hit home. The MFT (My Future Today) project was delivered across the country to every Football League club, working with their apprentices at a time when personal development is hugely important. We have worked with AFTA Thought to help develop interactive training scenarios that are both powerful and relevant to the football apprentices. Their input has been invaluable and the feedback from the young players has been very positive”

Dan Jolley, Project Manager, League Football Education

Dan Jolley, Project Manager, League Football Education

“Afta Thought delivered Safeguarding Training to a wide range a staff in the council using drama. Afta Thought were chosen due to their wealth of experience and unique approach in tackling difficult subjects.

“Before the training, Mary worked closely with staff to really understand the current issues, together with the council’s policy and approach to safeguarding. This background work really paid off during the training. All staff who attended the training remained fully engaged and were able to relate to the situations that were played out. Staff feedback after the session was overwhelmingly positive, with one member of staff stating that the training was “one of the best training events I’ve ever attended. Excellent and memorable delivery of a very serious subject”. The council wanted to make sure that staff were aware of not only the range of safeguarding issues, but also the subtle signs of abuse. We genuinely feel Afta Thought helped to achieve this.

“Thank you to Mary and her team!”

Kate Henderson – Strategic Housing Manager, South Ribble Borough Council

Plus Dane have worked with AFTA Thought for around 5 years, during which time they have delivered drama workshops around diversity issues for around 800 employees. These have always been very positively received and been described as “thought-provoking”, “challenging” and “inspiring”.

More recently, AFTA Thought’s Chris Callander facilitated a session for Plus Dane’s employee Diversity Champions, the Something for Everyone group. This was to increase the knowledge of group members around the Equality Act (2010), thereby increasing confidence when dealing with questions or sensitive issues from colleagues. The session helped group members to understand that the Equality Act applies to us all, no matter what Protected Characteristics we possess, and that it exists to protect and promote the diversity that exists within our workplace and wider society.

The session invoked a passion in members to learn and understand more, and to apply this knowledge fairly, transparently and rationally within the workplace. It reinforced to the group the need for working positively with diversity for the benefit of colleagues, customers and partners who we work with.

Amy Christmas, Learning and Development Officer, Plus Dane Group

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